Healthy living pattern is about how we keep the habit of balancing our lives.
Both mentally for instance having a clear mind and doing regular recreation, and how we balance our time, and physically such as consuming proper food and drink, exercising and sleeping, keeping a proper posture, harmonious energy pattern, proper breathing pattern, and maintaining a good environment.
A lot of people are suffering from illness, but they do not know where it comes from. Countless people throw a blame on heredity factor.
Long term stress can have a negative impact on all organs and spirit. This impact is not limited to the individual under stress, but also their immediate environment (family, friends, community).
Having a breakfast is a very good habit. Skipping meals or having irregular eating pattern can weaken how digestive system works. It could result metabolism digestive disorder which is related to blood such as hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, uric acid etc. In longer term, skipping breakfast could also kill some of brain’s neural nerves. See The Importance of Breakfast
There are a few foods we should be aware of
- Fries
- Sweet and salty food
- Bread
- Sausage
- Meatballs
- Nugget
- Instant noodle
- Cracker
- Dairy Product
Consuming supplement/vitamin without supervision (Kind, dosage, length time usage) is a mistake. We need to into the habit of going back to nature. Do not let the medicine become food, but let the food become the medicine.

Food we should avoid:
- Shrimp paste
- Dried or salty fish
- Shellfish
- Tin food
- Soft drink
If there is no necessary needs, eat the fruit (do not juice it). Have some fruit before eating.
The best drink is warm water. It can increase the performance of all organs (Yang energy). How much water you drink is actually adjusted with your weight e.g.: 30-50 ml / Kg. it is also adjusted with how much sweat you produce. Avoid cold drink if you are not feeling well.

If you can and if you have sun every day, take the time to sunbath 15-30 minutes to improve your ‘Yang’ energy. This is a great way to maintain your body and to get a stronger immune system.
The best time to sleep is before 10 pm in order to let liver rectify red blood cell maximally.
Controlling our mind and thought is essential because digestive organs disorder (Liver, Spleen, Stomach) is rooted to continuous emotional tension. The condition of stress will affect to other organs.
Regular exercising with suitable portion for our body is essential. Resting our body as well can lessen the tension both physically and mentally.
If you lives in a tropical area with two seasons, make sure you take a bath or shower twice a day. It is necessary because some excretion from bodily processes are taken out through the skin. Combined with a very high humidity, it creates an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply. After each bath, make sure you change into clean cloth. Do not reuse the dirty sweaty cloth, because it is a fertile ground for bacteria (NEGATIVE ENERGY). Wash your towels regularly. Never use them longer than three days. Also they are a breeding ground for bacteria.
Pay attention to your cosmetics too, as those will be absorbed by your skin and can weaken your immune system.
There is ancient proverb said “Tidak Sakit Masih Jauh Dari Sehat” it means if you are not sick, it is still far away from healthy. Human organs are like a machine in a jet plane or vehicle. We have to take a good care of them. In addition, to those who are above 40, even if you have no complain, it is better to take care of them once a month (therapy).
And above everything, remember that a smile from the heart has the incredible power to increase the immune system. So start smiling!
Summarized by Master Liong